Audio Content Screen | Expanded Content-RB

Adding a Content Screen allows for additional content that doesn't fit on a Card to be seen in a pop up box right within the platform when a Member clicks on the Card button. One of the expanded Content Screen options is a Audio.

To add a Video screen:

1. Select +Add Content Screen > Audio

2. Find the Audio file you'd like added. Currently only SoundCloud audio files are compatible with Ramp Health.

3. Click the Share icon or button, and copy the URL.


4. Enter the SoundCloud URL into the field in Admin.  The file will load and can be played to test in screen if entered correctly.


5. Enter Title: This Title is for your reference only. As you add screens, they will show up in the Content module (example shown below), so this helps identify which screen is which should you have multiple. If you have set up multiple, drag and drop the grey screen boxes to Reorder. 

6. If you will have multiple screens, you can toggle on Show Progress to communicate to the Member how many screens they must complete before completing the Card.

7. Add a Button Label - this is the label that will appear on the Content Screen to progress to the next screen or Redeem state, if it is the only/last Content Screen on the Card.

In Platform Audio Example:

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